I love helping churches use technology to reach their community and keep their members engaged in local work. When not clicking away, I love to spend time with my family and cook for groups of friends!
In addition to being a great evangelistic tool, a well-designed website keeps your membership engaged with various established works in your congregation. Mass-communication has long been necessary for congregations (remember the phone-trees?), and websites can help your church leaders distribute and collect information quickly and effectively. Here are a few ideas to get you started.…
God is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33), but sometimes our church websites are. Your website can have great fonts, colors, and styling, but if it is missing some essential information, it will never achieve one of its main purposes: to attract potential visitors. We humbly suggest that the three items below should…
Your congregation’s website is not the most important part of your local work, but for most congregations, it is a woefully-neglected resource. Great church websites are powerful tools to reach people in your area, but a poorly-designed and out-of-date site can actually hurt your ability to have people visit your services. Research shows that for…